
uma reiki


Over the years, Annemarie has taught hundreds of students in this style of Reiki, so they could go forth and spread this energy in their personal and professional lives.

Over the years, Annemarie has taught hundreds of students in this style of Reiki, so they could go forth and spread this energy in their personal and professional lives.

Over the years, Annemarie has taught hundreds of students in this style of Reiki, so they could go forth and spread this energy in their personal and professional lives.

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Ü∏∂ Reiki for LightWorkers was developed by Annemarie over 10 years ago. She studied many styles of Reiki and loved each any ever one of them. But she wanted to understand her nature intuitive talents and help others like her who wanted to serve. Annemarie channeled Ü∏∂ (which means mother) and together these manuals were written. Over the years, Annemarie has taught hundreds of students in this style of Reiki, so they could go forth and spread this energy in their personal and professional lives.

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Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV


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