
Thinning of the Veil

Written by Annemarie Seidenberg, with love and intention
Thinning of the veil

This time of year is incredibly thrilling! It marks a seasonal shift. The weather gets cooler, colorful leaves fall to the ground, and nature prepares for the deep slumber of winter. The crisp air is heavy with the scents of wildflowers, herbs, and ripe gardens, signaling the end of summer and the start of the harvest season. It’s a time for community harvests, shared celebrations, and feeling the deep loss of our beloved loved ones. The ‘Veil’ between the physical and spiritual worlds thins, increasing spirit encounters and underlining the profound connection between human experience and natural cycles.

‘The Veil Between the Worlds’ refers to an energetic barrier that separates our physical reality from the spiritual realms of the deceased, celestial entities, and nature. This barrier is often symbolized as a veil, which can vary in thickness from very thin to very dense. The thickness of the veil affects our ability to sense and perceive the spiritual realms. When the veil is thin, our ability to sense spiritual energy is heightened, but when it is thick, our perception may be limited. Psychic Mediums, because of their expertise, can interact with the spiritual realms regardless of the thickness of the veil. However, individuals with limited spiritual knowledge usually have more encounters when the veil is thinnest. It’s also important to note that those who are skilled in navigating these realms often report increased spiritual activity during these thin veil periods.

The Veil, according to tradition, varies in thickness throughout the year. It is thinnest at Samhain on October 31st and, Beltaine on May 1st, and thickest at Imbolc on February 1st and Lughnassah on August 1st. This cycle repeats each year.

This belief stems from the Celtic festival of Samhain, which marks the shift from the harvest season to the darker part of the year. During Samhain, it was thought that the boundary between the living and the dead became unclear, allowing spirits to return to the physical world. To ward off harmful spirits and honor the deceased, protective actions such as lighting bonfires and wearing costumes were taken.

Throughout my life, I have been aware of the cycle of The Veil. As I have honed my intuitive abilities, I have become more attuned to the fluctuations in its thinning process. Now, I can detect thinning merely weeks after the peak thickness has been achieved. Each year presents a unique degree of thinness and intensity.

Developing a personal connection with the Spirit World and sensing the presence of Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, deceased loved ones, etc., is a matter of enhancing your psychic awareness. An important recommendation to achieve this is to eliminate self-doubting dialogue and mindset. This self-doubt often manifests through phrases such as ‘maybe,’ ‘I can’t do it,’ ‘I feel nothing,’ ‘I don’t know,’ and ‘I think so,’ which tend to invalidate personal experiences. It is crucial to recognize the unique energy associated with Spirits. While some may exhibit mischievous behavior, it’s vital to discern these variations and establish firm boundaries. It’s also beneficial to understand how and when to disengage. Develop a sacred place inside of you for these beautiful encounters. Make sure to journal your experiences for reflection and growth.

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