Here’s a 3-card tarot reading for the collective that focuses on Spring and new beginnings. If it makes sense, take a little bit of inspiration from it and if it doesn’t, know that the message wasn’t for you. All the cards that were pulled were Pentacles, which is the sign of the Earth and all things material. Pentacles deal with matters of money, job, business deals, possessions, home and gardens.

9 of Pentacles
You’ve worked hard for the life you’ve created, and you have enjoyed the fruits of your labor, the flowers in your garden & the things you have accumulated. This is not negative, it indicates accomplishment for what you’ve worked hard for and these are well deserved things you treasure, so enjoy them. As we acknowledge our prosperity and the rewards, it is a nudge that now might be a time to focus outward and think of others who aren’t as fortunate and what we can do to help.

5 of Pentacles, Reversed
While we have been blessed, we are now being called to action and it will be important to help others find small gains and assist them in finding success. Through our security, stability and prosperity, we can reach back and help others find sanctuary, hope, endure loss and setbacks.

10 of Pentacles, Reversed
As we move towards helping others and shift our focus from ourselves, outwardly to the common good, it might feel uncomfortable and unnatural at first. But as we change and grow, we might find that helping others leads to an even more fulfilled and enriched life, full or even more blessings and prosperity.
Old goals and beliefs of self-worth being tied to our monetary success and accumulation of goods might be at odds with our newfound feelings of worthiness through helping others accumulate that wealth. You will find liberation as you discover new facets of yourself not tied to money and wealth, and as you allow yourself to live in the present.
Finally, the Pentacles Suit is associated with the feet, so get moving and go help someone in need. The time is now.